Theย EA Blog

There is so much to marketing. Let's break a few things down.

Holiday Marketing & Giving Season: Not Just the Jingle Bells

brand personality brand tone brand voice content development holiday marketing marketing marketing campaigns marketing strategy storytelling Oct 05, 2023
Header image for Elevation Academy marketing resource and community for blog post titled "Holiday Marketing & Giving Season: Not Just the Jingle Bells" for small business marketing and nonprofit marketing

Ah, the holidays! A time of twinkling lights, cozy sweaters, and... marketing campaigns? That's right! But before you start decking the halls with promotional banners, let's have a fireside chat about the heart of the matter.

It's Not Just About the Sale (or the Donation)

Sure, the end-of-year push is crucial. But remember, people are more than just walking wallets. They're looking for genuine connections, stories that resonate, and causes that tug at their heartstrings. So, whether you're selling hand-knit scarves or seeking donations for a local shelter, make it about the people, not just the pennies.

Listen Before You Leap (or Launch)

Before rolling out that glitzy holiday campaign, take a moment to listen. What are your customers or supporters saying? What do they value? By tuning into their frequency, you can craft messages that truly resonate. It's like giving them the perfect gift – one they didn't even know they wanted!

Share Stories, Not Just Statistics

Numbers have their place (especially in year-end reports), but stories? They're the lifeblood of authentic connections. Share tales of the grandmother who knits mittens for your store or the child who benefited from your nonprofit's program. Let your audience see the faces behind the figures.

A Little Gratitude Goes a Long Way

The holidays are a time of giving thanks. So, why not extend that gratitude to your customers or donors? A simple "thank you" can make them feel valued and appreciated. And guess what? Appreciated folks tend to come back, year after year.

Make It Personal

No, this doesn't mean you need to handwrite 10,000 holiday cards (though kudos if you do!). But a little personal touch – using first names in emails, highlighting individual stories, or even sharing behind-the-scenes holiday prep from your team – can make a world of difference.

The holidays are a magical time filled with warmth, joy, and connection. So, as you gear up for your holiday marketing or giving season campaigns, remember to put the heart – the human element – at the center of it all.

Cheers to a season filled with genuine connections and heartwarming moments!

(And yes, cheers to sales and money! ๐Ÿฅ‚)

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